Fine Art

Thanks to relatives, Ed still has his first drawing from age eight; a chipmunk. Ed is a retired Senior Disney World Artist. He has found God's creation to be an endless fascination. Though gone for 33 years, Colorado has always been home. He is back in "Paradise." He hopes you will enjoy his "Special moments in Creation."
Ed's Disney experience; Ed was granted an appointment to show his commercial art "book" to the director of art at Walt Disney World. Ralph made comments; "Talent like yours doesn't walk through these doors every day, I'm going to fly to California and make a position for you, though we have no open requisition." Ralph Kent had worked with Walt Disney for ten years. Ed was a Walt Disney Imagineer and produced over two thousand pieces of art during fifteen years of service there. Example; He did the first art concepts for The Animal Kingdom park, which were shown to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Washington D.C. He produced virtually all the art for the grand opening of Big thunder Mountain Railroad, Aerial paintings of all of Walt Disney World, and renderings of Hollywood Studios, Maps of Epcot, and the Magic Kingdom, etc.
Ed was the artist for SOAR, (Save Our American Raptors), for 10 years in central Florida. The organization did many projects to help in the recovery of the Bald Eagle, Osprey, etc. Doris Magor traveled extensively throughout the USA, educating young and old to the plight and needs of birds of prey. She lived with several birds in her home and van as she traveled.
Ed has been an artist "forever". Folks ask, "how long did it take to paint that?" He responds, "60 years and 40 hours."
He received his art education at the Colorado Institute of Art in Denver and at the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, Ca. and continues his education through much self study. Each painting is, "an education", as well. He paints in Acrylic, Oils, Watercolors, Pen, Pencil and sculpts in bronze. Besides 15 years as a Senior Artist at Disney World, he was an artist at Lockheed Martin for 2 years where Suzie and he met.
He was the artist for New Tribes Mission for 15 years, helping bring the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ and cultural protection to tribes around the globe.
He has three paintings hanging in the sports complex at the United States Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs. Suzie and Ed have 3 grown children and 8 grandchildren, most of whom are artistically gifted.
10% of all profits from all art sales are given to help the world's poorest. Proceeds are given to several organizations to help "fourth world" peoples: find a truly fulfilling life and protection from encroaching "civilizations" in places like the great Amazon basin, Africa, Papua New Guinea, etc. You can help by your purchase of Ed's paintings and sculptures, or email Ed and he can direct you to organizations such as Brucho, who serves nineteen people groups in Columbia, S.A.